* "SPOTLIGHT"  Nina  - IA2 Sitcom 2017

This  IA 2 is a web-based sitcom where I portray Nina, an excentric but smart but naive girl, very responsible and respects her Doctor father. Nina's closest friends are Mandy and Ella - main caracter.  The shoot takes places in different locationn in 2017, London. The series will be turn to a Feature film.





The Premiere of the main film took place in Southampton In June 2013 at Harbour Lights Cinema located at Ocean VillageSO14 3TL Southampton

* "SHOWREEL"  Anna Tilbury

* "SCRIPTED" Short Film

* "SCRIPTED" Short Film

* "SCRIPTED" Short Film

* "SCRIPTED" Short Film

* "SCRIPTED" Short Film

* "SCRIPTED" Short Film

* "" Short Film

* "OPEN NIGHT" Short Film

* "LAST CHANCE" Short Film

* "SCRIPTED" Short Film

The Movie Shoot for "Typewriter"/ "Scripted" took place in April 2013, Winchester.



(The Pilot of the movie)


The Premiere of the main film took place in Southampton In June 2013 at Harbour Lights Cinema located at Ocean VillageSO14 3TL Southampton


* "LAST CHANCE" 8 min Fiction Movie

The Movie shoot of the "LAST CHANCE" took place in Southampton Solent University, May 2013, Southampton.

The opening scene "In the Lift"

I play the role of the friend and colleague "Janet" of the main character "Victoria"  starred by Angela Holmes and "Ian" starred by Matthew Swan. 

* "MOORS MURDERS" - Documentary Reconstruction for BBC for the Crime and Investigation Network played Myra Hindley



Documentary reconstruction of "Moors Murders" for Crime & Investigation Network produced by Talent TV South Production in  June-July 2013. Which was shown on numerous channels in August 2013. I have played Myra Hindley in her older age.

My shots are at 12:56-13:03 and 41:51 - 42-09.

* "The SIGNALMAN" short movie, ghost story remake (by Charles Dickens)

The Movie shoot took place in Winchester University, WInchester, April 2013.

* "Hand Modeling Photoshoot"